Endometriosis: Why is Diagnosing and Treating Symptoms Important?

Endometriosis: Why is Diagnosing and Treating Symptoms Important?

Severe cramps, bleeding, and difficulty getting pregnant: these are just a few symptoms triggered by endometriosis. The disease is characterized by the presence of implantation of endometrial cells (uterine lining tissue) outside the uterine cavity, resulting in an inflammatory process and fibrosis.

Although it is a disease that affects a large percentage of women, the origin of endometriosis is not fully understood and several theories try to explain its appearance.

Want to know more about endometriosis? In this article, we at Blanc Hospital will explain everything about the disease and why it is so important to diagnose and treat the symptoms. Check out!

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is one of the most frequent gynecological problems and is defined by the presence of endometrial implant outside the uterine cavity. This accumulation of endometrial cells causes an alteration in the pelvic environment with inflammation and fibrosis. It affects about 10% of women and up to 50% of patients with infertility.

The Dr. Andrey Boeno, who is a gynecologist, is part of the scientific committee of the Blanc Hospital and works in the areas of human reproduction, gynecological endoscopy and gynecological ultrasonography, explains about the prevention of  endometriosis.

We must pay attention to the symptoms, which may appear already in adolescence, following up on an adequate medical basis and then carrying out secondary prevention of the disease. We know that, for chronic diseases such as endometriosis, healthy eating, stress reduction, physical exercise and care with mental health can be adjuvants to stop the disease’s evolution”, says the doctor.

Learn more: Female Infertility: Find Out How An Expert Can Help

Main symptoms

Several symptoms can be associated with endometriosis. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of any changes, especially during the menstrual cycle, and look for adequate gynecological follow-up in case symptoms are identified.

The Dr. Andrey Boeno explains some details: “The main symptoms of endometriosis are: chronic pelvic pain, severe menstrual cramps, pain during sexual intercourse, intestinal symptoms (pain when evacuating, constipation or diarrhea) and urinary symptoms (burning or pain when urinating and bladder pain). Symptoms usually occur or worsen during the menstrual period. In addition, patients may find it difficult to get pregnant ”, he clarifies.


The diagnosis of endometriosis requires a correct evaluation by the gynecologist. The most important tools for diagnosis are: adequate anamnesis and physical examination, in addition to imaging tests such as transvaginal echography with bowel preparation or nuclear magnetic resonance.

See: Women’s Health: 6 Tips for a Lighter, Healthier Routine

Complications triggered by endometriosis

Endometriosis can affect other pelvic organs, in addition to the reproductive system, especially the bowel and bladder, causing specific symptoms, which, without a doubt, will significantly affect the quality of life of women.

Forms of treatment

According to Dr. Andrey, the treatment is individualized and depends on several factors, such as symptomatology, location of endometriosis  foci and the desire or not to get pregnant.

Treatment can be clinical (through the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and hormones to stop menstruation), surgical (through laparoscopy, which is a minimally invasive procedure for resection of endometriosis foci) or , it is also possible to use assisted reproduction methods when dealing with patients who want to get pregnant.

Endometriosis should be treated by trained professionals and a multidisciplinary team. The Blanc Hospital has a team of highly specialized and experienced accredited professionals to identify, diagnose and treat endometriosis.

The entire clinical staff of the Blanc Hospital works for the accurate diagnosis, treatment and solution of your problem, providing a unique experience in health, through trained teams and an innovative technological environment.

Also read: 4 trivia: myths and truths about mammography screening

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