
Turbinectomy or turbineplasty is surgery performed on the nose. Your goal is to improve the patient’s breathing. The technique consists of removing part of the structure of the nasal turbinates (bones and cartilage) from the cavity. These shells can enlarge and cause an obstruction that can impair breathing. The nasal turbinates are responsible for filtering, humidifying and heating the air that goes to the lungs. Its malfunction mainly causes allergic rhinitis. With its partial or total removal, the symptoms of the disease are significantly reduced. Turbinectomy removes part or all of these shells, opening space for air circulation and facilitating breathing. As it is considered an exploratory surgery, the doctor will have to make some decisions, without the patient’s knowledge, during the procedure. The surgery can be done under local or general anesthesia and lasts approximately half an hour. The patient may be hospitalized for one or two days after the procedure. Sometimes it is necessary to put a plug inside the nose to prevent bleeding. This tampon is removed within three days after the operation. The nose has three shells. Once removed, the nasal shells do not grow back.