

Maxillofacial surgery or, more correctly, maxillofacial surgery and traumatology is a dental specialty that surgically treats diseases of the oral cavity, face and neck, such as: trauma and facial deformities (congenital or acquired), trauma and deformities of the jaw and jaw.



Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery is a specialty of dentistry that boils down to shaping your face, placing your teeth in the correct position (with orthodontics) and repositioning your jaws (with corrective surgery).

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Also layers of "third molars", usually appear in the mouth around 18 years, and in most cases in an invalid position to promote occlusion with the other teeth. They may not even erupt, so-called “impacted” or “impacted teeth”. These teeth usually need to be removed, basically for two reasons: These teeth usually need to be removed, basically for two reasons: – ORTHODONTIC INDICATION; – RISK OF CYST FORMATION. The surgery to remove it is easy and can take up to 40 minutes. The post-operative period is also calm, but it requires some care.


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