

Gynecological surgery refers to surgery performed on the genital parts of women. Minimally invasive gynecological surgeries offer more and more quality of life to women. If before it was necessary to make a large cut in the abdomen to be able to treat diseases, today it is possible to perform endometriosis surgeries, remove fibroids, remove ovary cysts, tubal ligations and even remove the uterus, through video surgery, called videolaparoscopy.




Hysterectomy is the term given to the removal of the uterus, being performed in cases of uterine prolapse, severe bleeding not controlled with medication or the presence of large or multiple fibroids and uterine tumors. Hysterectomy can be performed abdominally (similar to a caesarean section), vaginally, or laparoscopically (with small abdominal cuts and the use of video equipment), depending on the size of the uterus and the reason for the surgery.

Tubal Ligation

In tubal ligation, a small piece is removed from the fallopian tubes and the two ends closed, preventing the sperm from meeting with the egg released by the ovary. Surgery can be performed abdominally, umbilical (immediately after vaginal delivery), vaginal or laparoscopic, but is governed by very specific legislation, which must be consulted and discussed with the doctor.


Myomectomy is the removal of fibroids without removing the entire uterine structure. Depending on the location and size of the fibroid, surgery is done either by introducing small instruments through the vagina (videohysteroscopy), by making small cuts in the skin of the belly and using a video camera — a technique called videolaparoscopy — or by conventional surgery with a larger cut in the abdomen.


Perineoplasty, popularly known as perineum surgery, is performed to treat vaginal laxity without improvement with physical therapy exercises. In surgery, the excess of the vaginal wall is removed and the muscles of the perineum are reconstructed, which helps to support the organs of the pelvis and can help restore sexual pleasure.


Also called conization, trachelectomy is the removal of a cone-shaped piece of the cervix under local anesthesia. The procedure is usually indicated when there is a malignant or benign lesion in place, serving both as a diagnostic step and as a treatment.


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